The Auction House, if you was interested in Diablo 3 and have not heard about their planned Auction house facility already, then here it is...
The Auction house plans to be an 'eBay for Sanctuary' involving real life money to buy and sell goods. Good job Blizzard, you've just lost many customers who have been waiting for this game!
Blizzard, a company that has many online game-farmers, decides to bring out something for their newest game which is going to make it just that little bit easier for them to get more money?
Not only that but if they didn't have enough competition as it was with upcoming releases, looks like they just made it harder for themselves.
At first I hated the idea of a real money AH. But after reading a bit more and thinking a bit about it, I'm starting to think otherwise. Like you say, trading will occur out of the game regardless, whether it be d2jsp or ebay. This system would allow both Blizzard to earn a small cut and the players to earn a bit of money for sinking hours into the game. And it's not forced, there's the gold AH as well, so the economy can work both ways (on paper, anyway).