Tuesday 28 June 2011

APBR: Name and Shame?

So... there is now a weekly name and shame on the forums for all the hackers which have been banned, I'm thinking its fairly pointless, but I dont know really, what is the point? Fair enough your sitting there, raging because your playing against a hacker... and its probably quite nice to see their name pop up on the weekly name and shame banned list, but other than that - why do it ? Or is it just to keep all them people whining about hackers happy, showing that they are actually doing something about these cheaters... who knows, all I know is that I will be quite happy when I see some names up there who I have played against :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I suspect it probably is just to say "Hey look! We are banning people!".

    Honestly though, I don't think I have seen a single hacker yet. It just doesn't seem to be that much of an issue (or I am just really lucky).

    I do see a lot of people calling hacks whenever they play someone good however. Me and my friends have been accused of it several times. Seeing how good you guys were when we played the other day I imagine you have probably had the same.

  3. I rarely see any hackers at all... however I do now and then come across someone who is absolutely filthy... and it does make me rages, I also get accused myself with my team... but first hand we have experienced a few cheaters and its just real annoying.
